How to win clients without selling
If you watched my last video, you learned that every successful architecture firm does 2 things well:
Sells architectural services
Delivers architectural service
In this video, you'll discover how to actually win those clients, without selling
When I finally discovered how this works my world changed.
Here's how it happened:
I was speaking with my first ever business coach and he told me a story that’s stuck with me for years.
He told me that once upon a time his Dad’s friend who was a lawyer was staying with them
One night over the dinner table, he mentioned that his very best clients came from a banking colleague who would set up introductions whenever his client needed legal help.
He said that the clients the banker sends his way are pre-sold before he even meets them.
The banker was so effective and believable selling the lawyer's services that the lawyer was winning clients without needing to sell.
So to remind you, the question we're answering here is:
“How can I win clients without selling?”
The answer was sooo simple I almost laughed when it first hit me. I could not believe I had not thought of it sooner. The answer?
Get someone else to sell you.
If we could all find a referrer like the banker then life would be so easy right?
Who else is ALREADY selling, advising or consulting with the exact people you want to have as clients - BEFORE these clients contact someone in your position?
These are influencers of your clients who COULD or SHOULD be sending people your way IF they wanted to.
You can either be spending a LOT of time, effort and money trying to reach your ideal client (who are usually spread far and wide) OR you can invest all your effort marketing to the people who INFLUENCE them. Do you understand the leverage here?
So then he asked a second question, "What if I could find six bankers who were all referring to me?"
At this point the trumpets were going off in his head. He was so excited he started to write a list of people. He came up with a list of 30 names that he called his ‘Dirty 30’.
It’s not WHAT you know it is WHO you know and so he made friends with the right people.
Within 90 days he was 400% over his quota. This gave him enough money to buy his first house.
By the end of the year, he was the top salesman in the whole company. He would turn up to meetings and the selling had already been done by someone the client trusted more than him and who was more persuasive than he was.
So that’s what he did… And he did all this by focusing on ONE thing.
He was winning clients without selling.
Just imagine turning up to appointments where the client has already decided they want you because someone else has told them why you are the best, They believe that person and that trust is transferred to you.
This is the ultimate selling situation.
Simple. Simple but not easy. Not easy but possible.
It’s what I’ve spent a lot of time focusing on for my own business and it can work great for yours as well.
Think about it for a minute and see if you can come up with a list of your own and build a situation like this for yourself.